Archive for Engineering

Using Lambda@Edge to setup server-side redirects on a Cloudfront+S3 static site

As an engineering team at @Close, we’re trying to write more about what we are learning/doing. I recently got to dabble in a little coding project, so I wrote it up. This post originally appeared on the Close Engineering Blog here.

We host our main marketing website,, as a static site (in our case, generated via Lektor) served by AWS. We store all the staticly generated files in S3 and have a Cloudfront distribution in front as our CDN.

Occasionally, we’ll need to setup a redirect, to point an old URL to a new URL, for example when combining two pages.

In S3 hosted static websites like ours, there were basically two main ways to accomplish redirects…

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When, Who, How to Hire an Engineering Team (including Hiring Remotely)

This is the blog post version of a talk I gave at True University in Berkley, CA in June 2018 to help early stage startups scale their engineering teams from 2 to 20.

Hiring is hard. Really hard. I’ve been hiring on small startup engineering teams for the past 8 years (most recently grown Close’s engineering team from 2 to 14) and hiring really great engineers never gets easy. But it does get easier with practice and the right strategy.

Here I’m going to share some things I’ve learned about when and how to find the right people for your stage, how to structure a hiring process, and distributed/remote work. And most importantly: mistakes I’ve made along the way at Close.

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